We hear what vape and liquid do I need to quit smoking everyday but unfortunately it really depends on you and what you like and more importantly how strong your will is to quit smoking cigarettes. Some people will try to quit several times before they are successful so whatever you do make sure you keep trying. The old saying goes “if at first you don’t succeed try, try again”.
We know from experience and after selling our vaping products to so many people that menthol is often a good choice for many to utilise to quit smoking, but everyone is different. What vape liquid should you use to quit smoking is a great question and the answer will be different from person to person.
If you want to quit smoking, there are many non-smoking therapies out there and each person will find success for their own reasons and one of the main reasons Wildfire Vape was set up was to help people quit smoking but it’s hard to offer a generic answer to the question.
What we do know is this –
There are currently 3.2 million people that vape in the UK (2021) and 2 million of those people used to smoke cigarettes.
The number of vapers has been increasing rapidly – from about seven million in 2011 to 41 million in 2018. (thank you to the BBC.co.uk)
Market research group Euromonitor estimates that the number of adults who vape will reach almost 55 million by 2021.
This is a huge growth and there will be many vapers that used to smoke as a part of these figures.
With a massive range of e-liquids and a huge array of flavours we really can help anyone from an occasional smoker through to someone that consumes more than the average smoker.
Why not give us a ring or pop into one of our retail establishments to discuss your vaping needs so we can help you achieve better health and a much-increased bank balance.